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Stabilization Stage

Immersion Phase 1 Stabilization

What is addressed?

  • Physical detoxification
  • Emotional stabilization
  • Individual Addiction Assessment
  • Laying a foundation for continued recovery

How long is the Stabilization Stage?

A client’s duration in this stage is based on what is deemed medically appropriate by professional clinicians. Typically it is between 3-14 days depending on the severity of an individual’s addiction, and any underlying medical conditions.


  • Detox safely & comfortably
  • Clear the mind
  • Stabilize the body
  • Learn about addiction & recovery
  • Find hope for a new life
  • Plan the next right steps to continue recovery

What Services?

Stabilization Stage Summarized

Set in one of our serene, comfortable and modern residential medical detox facilities, this stage in the Guardian Path focuses on physical, mental and emotional stabilization.

Continued drug and alcohol abuse severely impacts an individual’s physical and mental health. Once an individual’s body and brain are used to having a substance in the system on a regular basis, the central nervous system and brain chemistry recalibrate to accommodate the presence of that substance. When the substance is stopped abruptly, the mind and body revolts. Without medical help, withdrawal can be an agonizing, even life-threatening, experience. But at Guardian Recovery’s facilities, we help individuals safely and comfortably detox from drugs and alcohol.

We utilize a variety of medications to ease the pain of withdrawal and make the process safe. We offer 24/7 medical supervision and an experienced clinical staff. Our medical detox facilities are well-appointed with comfortable beds, entertainment options, serene lounge spaces, 24/7 snack bars and a kitchen with a dedicated chef who cooks three nutritious meals a day. Private rooms are available at all our facilities.

Once the mind has cleared and the body stabilized, clients participate in voluntary group therapy, educational workshops, 12-Step meetings, guided meditation, acupuncture and yoga. They begin to learn about the Disease Model of Addiction and what actions will be required for their ongoing recovery. They are introduced to tools for regulating their emotions, responding to triggers and staying healthy. They actively work with a case manager to craft a plan for their next moves following detox. Once an individual demonstrates engagement in treatment and is physically well, clients are encouraged to proceed to motivation.

Before Detox | Intervention Services

If you have a loved one who is deep in denial or refuses to go to treatment, an intervention may be necessary; in particular, if the individual is in danger of hurting themselves or someone else. 

In the context of addiction treatment, an intervention is a professionally staged event geared towards helping a loved one enter into a program of recovery. Addiction is a disease of denial, and many men and women who struggle with addiction have a difficult time admitting to themselves and to other people that they need professional help. In some cases, an intervention becomes absolutely necessary. Without entering into a program of recovery, a person could potentially lose his or her life at the hands of addiction, or hurt someone else. At Guardian Recovery we have several licensed interventionists on staff, all of whom have extensive experience helping reluctant men and women agree to go to treatment. Because addiction can be so cunning, baffling and powerful, it is often necessary to call in for backup. If an intervention becomes necessary we are readily available to help.

How does an intervention work? The moment you contact us, we put you in touch with one of our licensed interventionists who then gets to work developing a plan of action. The first thing that happens is the interventionist helps the loved ones of the alcoholic or addict compose an intervention team, which will be comprised of close friends and family members, a licensed therapist and the interventionist him or herself. It is important that this “team” is limited to people who have been directly affected by the addiction and who interact with the person on a daily or near-daily basis. Once the intervention team is set in stone, each of the participants writes a letter to their loved one explaining how his or her addiction has impacted their lives in the negative way. It is important that these letters are never accusatory or blaming and that they always come from a place of compassion and genuine concern. The participants also develop personal boundaries that will be expressed during the event.

A date and a time for the intervention is set, and a rehab center is chosen. During the intervention, the loved ones of the person struggling with addiction will offer treatment to their loved one — to be taken advantage of that day. This is why it is important that a rehab is chosen and why transportation plans are already in place. If the person refuses, he or she has to live with a set of boundaries that are also laid out at the intervention. This could mean no more financial support, or being completely cut off from loved ones altogether. Professionally staged interventions are largely successful in helping people receive the treatment they so desperately need. Of course, there is always the possibility that the subject of the intervention still refuses professional help. If this is the case, we offer continued support and regular follow-ups with the family and friends who participated. A second intervention is always an option.

At Guardian Recovery we have carefully developed an admissions process that is both simple and straightforward. We understand that committing to a long-term program of recovery can be overwhelming in and of itself. For this reason, we do everything we can to make the admissions process as stress-free as possible. From the initial phone call, to the day that you or your loved one arrives at the facility, we are here for you.

As soon as you or your loved one contacts us, we begin conducting a brief pre-assessment over the phone. We ask a series of simple questions that help our clinical team determine which level of care is the most appropriate for each unique case. Once the assessment is complete, we begin looking into potential coverage options. All of the treatment centers within our network work closely with major regional and national health insurance providers. We also offer several other options for those who are underinsured or entirely uninsured, including self-pay and private pay. Finally we set up a date and a time for your intake or the intake of your loved one, and help arrange transportation plans if necessary.

Unfortunately, the admissions process deters many people from seeking the help they need. After dealing with the implications of active addiction for so long, the last thing they want to do is deal with health insurance or spend hours on the phone sorting through a range of other minute details. Our admissions process can be completed in minutes — simply contact us today to get started, and we will get you or your loved one admitted to one of our facilities quickly and easily.

In order to provide the most individualized and focused addiction treatment possible, we conduct in-depth assessments upon entry to every single level of clinical care we provide. Clinical, physical, medical and psychological assessments serve several essential functions. First of all, they help define the nature of the substance abuse disorder. They provide insight and help our clinical team determine a diagnosis (dual diagnosis, unresolved trauma, polydrug abuse, etc). The initial assessment also helps our clinical team develop a highly personalized treatment plan that caters to the unique needs of each individual client. When a client first arrives at one of our facilities, he or she sits down with a highly experienced therapist and other members of the clinical team and answers a series of questions that help illuminate family history, personal history with substance abuse, mental health and a variety of other important factors. The assessment is comprehensive, but it is not long — it is conducted in roughly 30 minutes from start to finish. As the treatment journey progresses, several other (shorter) assessments are conducted, simply to ensure that each client is meeting his or her treatment goals and that no additional measures need to be taken.

Medically monitored detox is the final stage of the Stabilization Phase. Medical detox was designed to help men and women who have been struggling with addiction undergo a safe and pain-free withdrawal in a carefully monitored environment. Medical detox is absolutely essential to the comprehensive recovery process, not only because physical symptoms are addressed, but because the psychological drug and alcohol cravings that go hand-in-hand with withdrawal often lead to relapse. At Guardian Recovery we utilize a range of evidence-based detoxification methods, including tapering, medication assisted treatmentintensive therapy and holistic treatment methods. We offer several detox programs throughout the country, all providing 24/7 inpatient care in a homestyle retreat facility. Our main priority is ensuring that our clients are as comfortable as possible as they receive the highest standard of medical care available, and that by the time they have reached physical stabilization they are fully prepared to take the next appropriate step on their personal journeys of recovery.

Begin Your Recovery Journey Today

Hope begins at the Guardian Recovery. Our admissions process is simple and straight forward. Addiction is a painful and progressive disease. There is no better time than now to begin the process of recovery. The very first step in this process is a brief, confidential phone call. Our professional and compassionate recovery specialists will guide you through the entire intake process. During your first call we may ask you questions about your history of drug or alcohol abuse, past addiction treatment, your physical and mental health and your family history. Contact us at any hour of the day. We are here for you.

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Reviewed professionally for accuracy by:

Ryan Soave


Ryan Soave brings deep experience as a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, certified trauma therapist, program developer, and research consultant for Huberman Lab at Stanford University Department of Neurobiology. Post-graduation from Wake Forest University, Ryan quickly discovered his acumen for the business world. After almost a decade of successful entrepreneurship and world traveling, he encountered a wave of personal and spiritual challenges; he felt a calling for something more. Ryan returned to school and completed his Master’s Degree in Mental Health Counseling. When he started working with those suffering from addiction and PTSD, he found his passion. He has never looked back.

Written by:

Picture of Sophie Blake

Sophie Blake

Sophia Blake, a dedicated content writer specializing in addiction recovery, devoted her days to crafting compelling narratives that not only educated her readers about the journey of healing but also empowered them to embrace hope and resilience in their own lives.

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Medical Disclaimer:

The information provided on this website is intended solely for educational and informational purposes. Guardian Recovery aims to improve the quality of life for individuals struggling with substance use or mental health disorders by offering fact-based content about behavioral health conditions, treatment options, and related outcomes. However, this information should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Important Notes:

The content on this site is believed to be current and accurate at the time of posting, but medical information is constantly evolving.
Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider regarding any questions or concerns about your health or medical condition.
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Guardian Recovery does not provide free medical advice. For personalized treatment recommendations, please consult with a licensed healthcare professional.

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