Our Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive
Every year Guardian Recovery organizes a Thanksgiving food drive in order to give back to the community at large. We encourage our staff members and employees to bring in canned goods and other non-perishable food items, and we deliver all of the collected items to local charities in order to help individuals and families in need. This year, local charities are in need of community assistance more than ever before. While this has been a difficult time for all of us, those who are experiencing homelessness and food insecurity have been especially hard hit by the global pandemic. Those without jobs have had an extremely hard time putting food on the table, and many community members have lost their jobs and have been unable to effectively find new ones. There is no question that at this point we all crave some sense of normalcy. Fortunately, we have the opportunity to help bring a traditional holiday feast to families in need by donating food items and in turn facilitating the standard, food-filled Thanksgiving that we all undeniably deserve.
At Guardian Recovery we believe in participating in as many charitable events as we possibly can. Ongoing volunteer work is a staple of our comprehensive program of addiction recovery. In addition to helping community members, our clients learn the importance of giving back whenever possible. by participating in events like our Thanksgiving food drive, clients build self-esteem, develop a sense of gratitude and learn that by staying sober they have the innate ability to continuously help others. To learn more about the charitable events that we participate in or to learn more about our comprehensive and individualized program of addiction recovery, feel free to reach out to us at any point in time. We will gladly supply you with additional resources and answer any additional questions that you may have.
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Substance Abuse and The Need For Food
Not knowing where your next meal is going to come from is a huge source of stress, and stress is a major factor in the development and persistence of substance abuse disorders. For this reason, substance abuse and food need are very closely interlinked. This year has been especially difficult, and many community members have experienced more financial insecurity than ever before. High stress levels have contributed to a spike in addiction cases; addiction cases that could be prevented should we all work together to help those who have been struggling. Guardian Recovery encourages participation in numerous annual food drives, not only in hopes of providing nutritious meals to community members who suffer from food need but also in hopes of preventing or reducing the number of substance abuse cases throughout the local community. For more information on all of our annual charitable events, or to learn more about this year’s Thanksgiving food drive, feel free to reach out to us at any point in time.
Giving Back to the Local Community
Not only does participating in annual food drives help local community members in need, but a thorough introduction to the importance of charitable work immensely helps clients who are in one of several stages of our multi-phased program of addiction recovery. At Guardian Recovery we believe in the healing powers of volunteer work. Clients learn that so long as they stay sober, they have the ability to positively impact the lives of others. Volunteer work not only helps build self-esteem, but it fosters a vital sense of gratitude, teaching clients to be grateful for what they do have. While we do not expect our clients to donate canned goods and other non-perishable food items, they do have the opportunity to work directly with one of several charities in delivering and unloading all donations that were made by employees and community members. Many of our clients report that the experience of participating in our Thanksgiving food drive is not only rewarding, but also extremely eye-opening and beneficial in a variety of other ways.
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Make a Donation in Palm Beach and Broward County in South Florida
At Guardian Recovery we work closely with the following organizations during our annual Thanksgiving food drive. For more information on each individual organization or to learn more about the ways in which you can help and contribute, follow the links provided below.
Palm Beach County Food Bank
525 Gator Drive
Lantana, Florida 33462
Website: www.pbcfoodbank.org/
The Palm Beach County Food Bank is dedicated to alleviating hunger throughout Palm Beach County and helping those in need in a variety of ways. The organization notes that hunger is a preventable human tragedy that affects numerous families throughout the community. United Way of Palm Beach County is backed by a group of 103 organizations that identified the need to create a comprehensive plan geared towards reducing local hunger. There are many ways to get involved in this specific organization, including participating in volunteer work or donating to annual charity events like the Thanksgiving food drive.
United Way of Palm Beach County
477 S. Rosemary Ave., Suite 230
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
Website: https://unitedwaypbc.org/project-thanksgiving/
United Way of Palm Beach County is currently preparing for their 30th year of Project Thanksgiving, an annual event geared towards raising money and providing food supplies to local community members in need so that they can celebrate Thanksgiving with a hearty holiday meal. There are many ways to get involved with this annual event, and it only takes $20 to help feed a family of four. See the link below to donate online, make a donation via text message or donate by a check made payable to United Way of PBC/Project Thanksgiving.
United Way of Palm Beach County also encourages hosting a food drive with family members, friends or colleagues. Because Guardian Recovery is hosting its own food drive, we are accepting donations from community members as well. The organization is also hosting a virtual food drive option in light of current circumstances. For more information on all of the ways in which you can help visit their website link.
Place of Hope
9078 Isaiah Lane
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33418
Website: https://www.placeofhope.com/thanksgiving/
Every year, Place of Hope conducts a canned food drive from November 1st through the 22nd and preparation of the holiday season. some of the items that this nonprofit organization is currently looking for include box stuffing mix, instant mashed potatoes, jars of turkey gravy or dried gravy mix packets, canned yams, canned veggies, canned pumpkin or fruit pie filling, pie crust mix, salt and pepper, boxed macaroni and cheese, fixings for green bean casserole, cake or brownie mix and cans of frosting, canned fruits, juice and sparkling water, paper goods including paper plates, paper towels and napkins and serving utensils. Please be sure to check expiration dates before making any donations. More information on what can be donated and the ways in which you can help are included on the website.
The Soup Kitchen
8645 W. Boynton Beach Blvd.
Boynton Beach, Florida 33472
Website: https://thesoupkitchen.org/
The Soup Kitchen is a nonprofit organization located in Boynton Beach, Florida. This organization was first founded in 1984, when it began serving cooked food to community members who were unsure of where their next meal would come from. Since it was first founded, The Soup Kitchen has distributed millions of meals to those in need. In the year 2002, the organization began distributing turkeys and trimmings every year just in time for Thanksgiving celebrations. Today, The Soup Kitchen makes it possible for over 1,000 families to enjoy a traditional Thanksgiving feast in the comfort of their own home. The organization also looks for volunteers every year to help cook, serve and distribute food to those looking to achieve some semblance of normalcy over the Thanksgiving holiday.
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