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Fentanyl Street Names, Nicknames, and Slang

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Fentanyl is a synthetic painkiller with an exceptionally high potential for addiction and overdose. Although there are legitimate prescription products that contain fentanyl (e.g., Duragesic), it is most often found as an illicit drug on the street. This form, which can be produced using various chemical formulations, typically originates in China or Mexico and is trafficked into the United States for distribution by dealers. (1) Fentanyl is also a common adulterant in heroin and other street drugs, and due to its extreme potency (50–100 times more powerful than morphine), it has been responsible for thousands of overdose deaths in recent years.

An addiction to fentanyl or other opioids is extremely serious, and the consequences can be devastating. If you or a loved one is struggling with this condition, you are urged to seek professional help, which could potentially be life-saving. At Guardian Recovery, we offer comprehensive recovery programs, personalized treatment plans, and a wide variety of evidence-based therapies, services, and activities. We hope you reach out to us to learn more and let us help you begin your recovery journey today.

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Fentanyl Street Names & Slang

Like all drugs, fentanyl is often referred to by other names, and these can vary depending on the region and subculture from which they originate. There are a wealth of street terms for fentanyl, and it would not be possible to identify them all.

Common Street Names and Slang Terms for Fentanyl Include: (2)

  • Apache.
  • Blue diamond/blue dolphin.
  • Blues.
  • Chinese buffet.
  • China girl/China town/China white.
  • Crazy/crazy one.
  • Dance fever.
  • Dragon/dragon’s breath.
  • F.
  • Fent/fenty.
  • Fire.
  • Freddy.
  • Friend.
  • Fuf.
  • Goodfella.
  • Gray death.
  • Great bear.
  • He-man.
  • Jackpot.
  • King Ivory.
  • Lollipop/perc-a-pop.
  • Murder 8.
  • Poison.
  • Snowflake.
  • Tango and Cash.
  • TNT.
  • White girls/white ladies.

Why Does Fentanyl Have Nicknames?

Drugs are associated with a variety of slang terms and street names for several reasons. One of the main purposes for this is code language, or a way of disguising drug use or dealing so that individuals can talk about drugs without others understanding what they are saying. This can keep criminal drug activity more covert and make it difficult for law enforcement and other interested parties to identify and investigate drug use and trafficking.

There are also regional variations, typically reflecting language and cultural differences. Nicknames are also associated with group identity and are used by a particular social group or subculture. Some are used as a simpler way to express certain drug combinations. For example, instead of saying “cocaine mixed with heroin,” it’s easier to just say “speedball.”

Nicknames for Drugs Mixed With Fentanyl

Heroin is frequently adulterated with fentanyl, and whether or not this is known to the user, it can be especially dangerous, and increase the risk of overdose and death.

Slang Terms for Fentanyl & Heroin Include:

  • Birria.
  • Chiva loca.
  • Facebook (mixed with heroin in pill form).
  • Holy Trinity (with benzodiazepines).
  • Poison.

Fentanyl is also sometimes found as an adulterant in cocaine, or they are intentionally used together. Some names traditionally refer to heroin and cocaine, and as such, they may be used interchangeably with fentanyl and cocaine.

Slang Terms for Fentanyl & Cocaine Include:

  • Speedball.
  • Batman.
  • Belushi.
  • Boy-girl.
  • Chasing the dragon.
  • Chocolate rock.
  • Dirty fentanyl.
  • Dragon rock.
  • Dynamite.
  • 8-ball.
  • Flamethrowers (also with tobacco).
  • Frisco special/Frisco speedball (also with LSD).
  • Goofball.
  • Moonrock.
  • Snowball.
  • Takeover.

Others Combinations Include:

  • Mexican speedball (with meth).
  • Meth speedball (with meth).
  • Fenty percs (with oxycodone).
  • Fent-bud (with marijuana).

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Brand Names for Legally Manufactured Fentanyl

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) classifies fentanyl as a Schedule II substance, meaning that although it has a high potential for addiction, it also has some legitimate medical applications. (3) All of the following are indicated to manage breakthrough cancer pain or chronic pain. Sublimaze, not mentioned below, is an injection used as an anesthetic during surgery or other medical procedures.

Brand Names for Prescription Fentanyl Include:

  • Lozenge—Actiq®.
  • Transdermal Patch—Duragesic®.
  • Buccal Tablets and Film—Fentora® and Onsolis®.
  • Sublingual Tablets and Spray—Abstral®, Recivit®, and Subsys®.

Nasal Spray—Instanyl® and Lazanda®.

Why Is Fentanyl So Dangerous?

Fentanyl use is incredibly dangerous due to its high potency. A tiny amount can induce life-threatening effects, and because it’s often used as an adulterant in other drugs, users may be unaware they are ingesting it. Fentanyl causes profound central nervous system depression, and can rapidly lead to an accidental overdose, respiratory arrest, and death.

Other substances, including cocaine, alcohol, and benzodiazepines, can alter the drug’s effects or compound them, increasing the risk of overdose. Additionally, fentanyl can easily be inhaled or absorbed through the skin, making accidental exposure a risk for law enforcement and first responders.

Fentanyl Addiction & Overdose

Fentanyl works by binding to opioid receptors in the brain, leading to a euphoric high and feelings of reward. These effects contribute to further use, leading to dependence and addiction. Due to its potency and intense side effects, these can occur after just a few uses. Overdose is an enormous risk with fentanyl use. As little as 2 milligrams of fentanyl can be lethal, which is similar to a few grains of salt. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 150 individuals die every day from overdoses related to fentanyl and other synthetic opioids. (4)

Signs of a Fentanyl Overdose May Include:

  • Respiratory depression, including shallow or stopped breathing.
  • Extreme drowsiness or confusion.
  • Cold, clammy skin.
  • Blue lips or nails (cyanosis).
  • Pinpoint pupils.
  • Slow heartbeat or low blood pressure.
  • Unresponsiveness or unconsciousness.
  • Death.

If you suspect someone is overdosing on fentanyl, it is critical to seek emergency medical attention immediately by calling 911 or visiting the nearest hospital or emergency department.

Treatment for Fentanyl Addiction

Professional treatment for fentanyl misuse and addiction typically involves intensive rehab programs and a combination of medical detox, behavioral therapies, medication-assisted treatment (MAT), and peer support groups. MAT involves using FDA-approved medications, such as methadone, buprenorphine (Suboxone), or naltrexone, to help relieve withdrawal symptoms and reduce drug cravings. (5) Behavioral therapy is designed to address the underlying factors that contribute to addiction and help individuals learn more adaptive coping mechanisms for dealing with triggers and stress. In addition, support groups, such as Narcotics Anonymous, can provide a sense of community and support throughout the recovery process.

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Although all addictions have the potential to be severe and devastating, fentanyl misuse is especially hazardous due to the drug’s incredibly high potency. If you experience a life-threatening overdose today in the United States, it is more likely than not that it will be related to fentanyl. This is not a problem to be taken lightly, and its consequences can be grave. Fortunately, fentanyl addiction is treatable using detox, MAT, therapy, and other modern, clinically proven methods.

If you’re ready to overcome active addiction and cultivate the life you deserve, contact Guardian Recovery to speak to a skilled, compassionate Treatment Advisor. You can learn more about our straightforward admissions process and take advantage of a free, no-obligation health benefits check. Our licensed, experienced, and supportive staff are committed to providing you with the highest quality treatment that will suit your unique needs. Reach out to us today to get started.


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(1) (2)—guide-FINAL.pdf (3) (4) (5)

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Ryan Soave


Ryan Soave brings deep experience as a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, certified trauma therapist, program developer, and research consultant for Huberman Lab at Stanford University Department of Neurobiology. Post-graduation from Wake Forest University, Ryan quickly discovered his acumen for the business world. After almost a decade of successful entrepreneurship and world traveling, he encountered a wave of personal and spiritual challenges; he felt a calling for something more. Ryan returned to school and completed his Master’s Degree in Mental Health Counseling. When he started working with those suffering from addiction and PTSD, he found his passion. He has never looked back.

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Picture of Sophie Blake

Sophie Blake

Sophia Blake, a dedicated content writer specializing in addiction recovery, devoted her days to crafting compelling narratives that not only educated her readers about the journey of healing but also empowered them to embrace hope and resilience in their own lives.

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