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The Importance of Cliché Sayings in AA

Explore the meaningful role cliché sayings play in Alcoholics Anonymous, offering hope and guidance to individuals on their journey to sobriety

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We usually think of clichés as trite, overused sayings used as much in sarcasm as in imparting wisdom. However, there is one place where clichés are not only valued for their original meaning but also encouraged and perpetuated: Alcoholics Anonymous. 

In its almost 90 years of existence, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and its followers have amassed countless sayings that provide strength, hope, and inspiration to those attempting to live a sober life. Used so prolifically, these adages would have become time-worn, banal, and cliché in any other environments. But among those who follow 12-Step programs as part of their recovery journey, these slogans continue to serve as guiding principles, offering insight and encouragement to AA members as they navigate their journey to sobriety. Rather than become meaningless, they endure as an important part of the recovery process, inspiring change and fostering individual growth. 

Let’s look at some of the slogans that bring meaning and hope to millions worldwide.

Recovery Starts

Choose recovery and take control of your life, it’s the path to a brighter future filled with health, happiness, and fulfillment.

My Worst Day Sober Is Still Better Than My Best Day Drinking/High

Sometimes, especially early in recovery, people look back at their time in active addiction with a selective memory. They remember the fun, the laughs, the thrills, and the euphoria while conveniently disregarding the physical, mental, and emotional pain they brought upon themselves and those they love. They choose not to acknowledge the illness, financial problems, brushes with the law, depression, and agitation brought about by using drugs or alcohol.

This reminiscing is more than nonproductive; it’s dangerous. Glorifying a past life of alcohol or substance misuse is the first step toward a relapse. Maintaining perspective and remaining brutally honest about negative experiences while gripped by addiction is integral to remaining sober. The saying—which reminds us that the worst day we could have while not using is better, safer, and less uncertain than the best day we could have while under the influence—encourages us to stay sober.

Have An Attitude Of Gratitude

One of the major tenets of the 12-Step method is gratitude. Teachings contend that a person should be grateful for having the opportunity to get clean, for his or her support network, for the 12-Step process, and for every day spent free from the grips of addiction.

Having an attitude of gratitude focuses us on the positive aspects of our lives while giving us less time to ruminate on things that might not be going so well. For those on a recovery journey, focusing on the positive can alter our mindset, making it less likely for us to be tempted to return to a life of alcohol misuse.

Pain Is The Touchstone Of Spiritual Growth

Many people turn to drugs and alcohol as a way of masking physical, spiritual, or emotional pain. While they are high, the pain goes away, but it comes back as soon as a person sobers up. 

When we choose recovery, we must confront the pain of addiction along with that of the problems we were trying to escape by using. While there is no way to avoid that pain and stay sober, reframing the suffering as an opportunity for spiritual growth can help remove some of the sting.

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We Come To These Groups Not Because We Drank A Lot, But Because We Drank Too Much

There are plenty of stereotypes about people suffering from addiction. They are all criminals, homeless, can’t hold down a job, and dirty. They may have HIV, hepatitis, or another sexually transmitted disease. 

In truth, nothing could be further from the truth. The 2023 National Survey of Drug Use and Health, conducted by Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, asked respondents age 12 and older about substance use in the past month. Here are some of the results:1

  • 134.7M reported using alcohol
  • 3.9% of those age 12-17, 28.7% of those age 18 to 15, and 22.7% of those age 26 or older reported binge drinking in the past month
  • 0.6% of those age 12-17, 6.9% age 18 to 15, and 6.2% age 26 or older reported heavy alcohol use
  • 43.5M reported marijuana use
  • 2.6M said they used hallucinogens
  • 2.2M reported misuse of prescription pain relievers
  • 1.8M used cocaine
  • 1.6M used methamphetamines

A common, persistent belief is that a person with alcohol dependence drinks constantly. According to the National Institute for Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, alcohol use disorder (AUD) is defined as “a medical condition characterized by an impaired ability to stop or control alcohol use despite adverse social, occupational, or health consequences.” It includes the conditions sometimes known as alcohol abuse, alcohol dependence, alcohol addiction, and the colloquial term, alcoholism.2

The article goes on to list 11 criteria used to assess whether a person has an AUD. None of them mention continuous drinking. Instead, they describe behaviors that illustrate a lack of control over the ability to stop drinking and the impact of uncontrolled drinking on a person’s life. In other words, a person may not drink a lot compared to most others, but it could still be too much for him or her.

Serenity Is Not The Absence Of Conflict, But The Ability To Cope With It

The word “serenity” can conjure many different images for people. For some, it means sitting quietly by a lake or the ocean, or in the forest soaking in the peacefulness of the surroundings. In truth, serenity is an internal state that we can take with us everywhere we go.

The process of becoming sober removes many stressors from our lives, not the least of which are the stressors around obtaining the substance of choice and the physical and emotional symptoms of needing the next “fix.” Our lives become more stable. We start to rebuild damaged relationships. Our financial situation may improve. The list goes on.

We cannot, however, remove all challenges from our lives. There will always be something threatening to upset the balance and to possibly tempt us to reach out for alcohol or drugs to provide a temporary escape.

This saying reminds us that during those times when we experience conflict, our serenity can see us through. Our ability to maintain a sense of inner calm and peace can help us distance ourselves emotionally from an external stressor and deal with it in a rational manner, enabling us to maintain our sobriety.

I Came For My Drinking And Stayed For My Thinking

This saying can be looked at from two perspectives.

Addiction is an all-consuming disease that affects virtually every single aspect of a person’s life: physical health, mental and emotional well-being, relationships, career, financial independence, and more. Studies show that drugs and alcohol change the way neurons send, receive, and process signals. Drugs and alcohol can alter areas of the brain that control life-sustaining functions, our ability to control impulses, and the way we think.3

But the brain is a miraculous organ and can heal itself if we remove substances from our lives and maintain a healthy lifestyle that includes a nutritious diet and exercise.

Often we turn to substances to relieve ourselves from pain whether it be poor self-esteem, stress in our lives, or a physical injury. While in the throes of addiction, we can fall into negative thought patterns about ourselves, the conditions of our lives, and the people around us. Part of the 12-Step journey is to let go of those harmful thought patterns and replace them with more positive ones. Going to AA meetings regularly and staying in touch with our AA peers helps us to stay out of those negative thought patterns and maintain a better outlook on our lives and the world.

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